Reverse Engineering
The reverse engineering process involves taking a physical object that has no CAD models or drawings available and re creating them using advanced equipment and software. The resulting CAD models, drawing and meshes can then be used to re manufacture a component, aid in project undertaking and or analysis. This process usually involves a professional 3d scanner and reverse engineering software. Most of the physical objects that are most applicable to this equipment cannot be measured accurately with hand tools and modeled accurately with traditional CAD software.
Reverse engineering can be used to correct incomplete scans to a complete CAD model. In this process incomplete or broken scans can sometimes be completed if enough data has been recorded. This can work the same way if the sample part to be reverse engineered is also incomplete or damaged.
Original parts can also have manufactured errors or design faults causing them to break prematurely. In the reverse engineering process this can be corrected or given a design change most suited to the task at hand keeping all other details.
Once a 3d scan is reverse engineered into a CAD using geomagic design X it then can be live transferred to all major CAD platforms including Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks, Solid Edge, PTC creo etc. The live transfer rebuilds all the steps in the desired CAD program creating a fully parametric model for down stream use in manufacturing. Standard file types can also be output such as stl, stp, and iges.
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Endless 3D
02 8605 2944
Eastern Creek
NSW 2766 Australia